Monday, February 22, 2010

Baggy Methode

What is a baggy method? Baggy method is a way of retaining moisture in your hair. Every time, I think that my hair is get too dry, I will do my baggy method. This is great because you hair will be fully moisturize so no breakage, so slip end and result growth length and healthy hair.
Different type of baggy that we can use? And how do you use them?
It all depends on the individual.
This is how I baggy my end most of time.
- Moisturize you entire hair with one of your favorite moisturize and seal with your light oil.
Put my hair in a pony tail and they put a plastic cap or saran wrap over my head and add my stain scarf.
I usually do this overnight. And the next day, if I think it is fine, them I move on with my daily activities.
You can also baggy your end only. This mean after moisturizing, put my hair in a pony tail and they put a plastic cap or saran wrap on my end only.

So far I didn’t have any issue with this. Even though I you may have mushy and wet hair when you baggy the whole hair, I try not put too much moisturize on my hair. The fact that my hair will be inside and the heat of my hair, I should be fine with a small amount of moisturize.
But I would say:  
• Do NOT saturate the hair with moisturizers, water, and other products
• If your hair becomes mushy and wet...wash and start fresh. Your hair is over moisturized.
• Make sure the baggy is tight. NO air!
• Make sure the elastic from the bag isn't around your hair. If you baggy your entire head pull the shower cap down as much as possible and cover it with a satin bonnet for comfort.
This is a very good treatment for damaged and dry hair

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